
Almost vom-worthy...but not quite

Just when I was about to go vom from the maple syrup that was the Gossip Girl season finale, they saved it in the last 4 minutes. Thank goodness because I was thisclose to throwing in the towel and giving up on the third season where coincidentally most of the main characters are still going to be in Manhattan, shocker. They threw in just the right amount of dramatic cliff hangers to make up for the rest of the episode where we celebrated how much we love everyone and how important our high school friendships are. Give me a break, high school sucked and in real life most of these people would lose touch before Chuck can cheat on Blair with one of his college professors.

Now off to watch Jillian inevitably get her heart broken all over again on the season premiere of The Bachelorette. I kid, I actually really like Jillian and wish her the best, but we can't ignore the obvi. xoxo.

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