
Best Challenge EVER!

The Real World/Road Rules Challenge "The Duel 2" kicked off last night and has already surpassed every other challenge in entertainment value and sheer smuttyness by a mile.

On a credible note, they rounded up a great cast with some all-time standouts. Mark Long from Road Rules season 1 is back after saying that he was retiring from challenges a few years ago. Fame whores NEVER retire though! I kid, I like Mark. Homeboy has gots ta be close to 40 and is still one hot piece. Now his buddy Eric Neis needs to get off that old people "we used to be hot" reality show on VH1 and come to where the action really is. "The Duel 2" cast also includes Ruthie, Aneesa, Rachel (RR Campus Crawl), and a few others who have got to be a good 15 years older than some of the new kids. Throw in our favorite crazies like Brooke, CT and Katie and you have one interesting group of people.

I also love that they dropped these kids in the mountains of New Zealand during winter and are making them clearly freeze their asses off. Never before have I seen winter coats, hats, and SNOW during a challenge. Sun, nudity and free tropical vacays were getting old, this is a good thing.

Not onto the smut. Evan returns for this challenge, and if I could bang any contestant of all time he would probably be my pick. Major eye candy. And Brooke would pretty much be my insta-BFF because she's freakin nuts and is not apologizing for it. I would jump in the hot-tub orgy that took place in last night's episode with her, Davis, and Ryan like it was my job. Gay men love me and I def have enough crazy in me to keep up with Brooke.

In other sexy time news, CT and Shauvon had loud monkey sex on the roof on the first night. Making it even more interesting, CT's ex, Diem, found out and flipped her shiz, so then CT flipped his shiz and beat up Adam. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. If CT isn't beating someone up before the competitions even begin on these shows he just seems to get bored. Adam breathed in Diem's direction or something so CT assumed he told her about the sexy time on the roof. Really it was Katie who blabbed, because she needed camera time. Why do they even keep casting CT on these shows? They know he's just gonna have a roid rage and they're just gonna have to keep calling MJ to replace people.

Needless to say, CT and Adam are now dunzo along with Shauvon and Nick (yah, I barely know who they are either) who lost duels. Enjoy this video of Adam getting mauled by CT while wearing one piece footie pajamas. This season's gonna be somuchdrama, hang on kiddos.

Update: So I lied and we actually don't yet know if Shauvon lost her duel against Aneesa. I made that up in my head. But she probably did, Aneesa cuts bitches.

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