

I'm pretty sure this goes against all laws of nature, but since all dogs are boys and all cats are girls I suppose it works on some level. On New Year's Eve, Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles got married. This video should be really cute but is actually pretty disturbing.

Gig, really?!? You can do so much better. Grandma Wrinkles is like the cat equivalent of Ma on Ma's Roadhouse, and Giggy is one hot piece and a certified "sex monster". Don't date down.

If you don't know who Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles are (and if not, seriously, why are you reading this blog?), Giggy is Lisa's balding-but-cute dog from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Grandma is Dina's ugly hairless cat from The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Giggy was also the winner of Best Reality Pet at Cosmo Radio's 2010 Reality Re-Cap Awards because uh HELLOOOO he's amazing.

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