
Last call...for cookies

This is a very important announcement. You only have about two hours left to get Girl Scout Cookies until spring 2011. This is serious.

I grew up either selling Girl Scout Cookies myself or buying them from the lil tots in my neighborhood, but since the children of NYC are clearly too corrupt to join the Girl Scouts other measures had to be taken. The Girl Scouts of New York City have set up four Cookie Cupboards throughout the boroughs so New Yorkers can still get our fill of minty and shortbread and coconut goodness. Cookies are sold at these locations in any quantity with no need for advance order...and for only $3.50 per box! In Manhattan that's seriously cheaper than you can get a small box of Oreos. I visited the Cookie Cupboard on 23rd Street today and stocked up on Thin Mints for the next year, so now I can stuff my face on lonely nights while supporting a good cause. Thank goodness I did because today is the LAST DAY the Cookie Cupboards are open, and in Manhattan only until 4:30pm. So get there you gluttons!

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