
What ever happened to...customer service?

Headline brought to you by She By Sheree.

Made the dreaded trip to the Halloween Adventure store (11th and Broadway) today to pick up the last piece for my Halloween costume, a black bodysuit. The store was out of control packed with peepz, but that was to be expected. What endued between an employee and I, however, was not pretty:

Me: (holds up the one bodysuit that was out of the package to gauge the size)
Employee: (swoops in out of nowhere) "You can't open that!"
Me: "This one was already open."
Employee: "Doesn't matter, give it to me."
Me: "But I was just..."
Employee: (grabs the bodysuit from my hand) "Can't do that."
Me: "I can't look at at bodysuit for 2 seconds that was laying here ALREADY OPEN to see the size?"
Employee: "No." (storms off with bodysuit)

Um, it wasn't like I was trying on the bodysuit in the middle of the store or rubbing lady juices all over the crotch. Heaven forbid my fingers touch the shoulder of their cheap merchandise. I would have left right then and there, but of course Halloween Adventure is the only Halloween store in the city that carries adult-sized bodysuits without snaps on the crotch (trust me, I've checked). Happy Halloween, ASSHOLES!

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