
Not to make a cliche of myself, but...

Mason Dixon
Lower East Side
133 Essex Street (at Rivington Street)
New York, NY 10002

As regular readers know, I love me anything with a lil country flavor. While Mason Dixon may not be the most authentic, it certainly tries to bring this flavor with a southern style food menu, horns, and wood everywhere that can be seen. Pun intended. A large portion of Mason Dixon's patrons are male, and quite attractive if not a bit fratty. As for the females, they're mostly pretty drunk and letting loose gyrating against either the men or Mason Dixon's main attraction, the mechanical bull! One of I believe only two mechanical bulls in NYC, riders pay $5 for their chance at being thrown around by el toro, but only after waiting in line for twenty minutes or more. The music isn't what I wanted or what you'd expect at a country bar in Manhattan (or maybe it is...) with way more classic rock and hip hop than honky tonk. But I suppose honky tonk doesn't necessarily please the masses, and to stay in business in the over-saturated LES the masses must be pleased.
Rating: 3.5 stars

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